05 Aug 2023 1 min read

Big News: Management Updates

Quantum Computing Report / 4 August 2023

Mr. Hill’s expertise is invaluable and this addition shows QuSecure’s commitment to provide the highest quality of security services. His experience and knowledge will help guide QuSecure as they continue their work in this area, making sure that customer data is safe and secure at all times.

We are confident that with Mr. Hill on our team, we can make amazing strides towards providing a secure environment for all of our customers and partners.

We are thankful for Craig’s contribution and look forward to seeing the impact he will have on our organization as we move forward. His expertise is invaluable, and we are confident that his guidance will help us provide top-notch security solutions.

We invite everyone to join us in welcoming Mr. Hill on board, and in continuing to work towards a safer and more secure future.

Read the full article from Quantum Computing Report here.


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