Secure Web Applications

Quantum-Resilient Protection For Web Data With Ease
For a Quantum-Resilient Future

Enterprise organizations and government rely on critical data traveling through their networks for daily operations of employees and customers. QuProtect Web App Security provides protection, insights, and control over those connections for security

  • Protection for application-to-application communications
  • Break the cryptographic discovery and patching cycle with on-demand Continuous Cryptographic Inventory and agile cryptographic controls
  • NIST approved post-quantum protection
  • No Rip and Replace
  • High performance, low latency


QuProtect Web App Security In Action

Protect Online Banking & Investment Portals

From mobile payment apps to online banking and portfolio management sites, secure financial data transmitted over the web.

Protect Public Sector Online Portals

Secure the PII available through web portals from collecting tax documentation to the submission of passport applications and sharing of court records.

Protect Patient & Insurance Portals

Secure customer facing web portals used for the sharing of medical records, lab results, claim filings, and policy documents.

Protect Mission Critical Tactical Comms

Secure transmission of data of applications and communication links with command centers from remote environments, at the edge, and from space.

Protect Confidential Web App Data & Docs

Secure private data that power enterprises, including board minutes, HR docs, and legal data shared via confidential meeting apps and and online document repositories.

Protect Online Payment Systems

From e-commerce customer accounts to telecommunications and utility portals, secure payment information and customer transaction records gathered via the web.

Implementation & Deployment Roadmap


Planning Your Protection

Our skilled team specializes in helping you identify priority use cases to protect the data and systems that matter most to you.

We offer a customized executive report highlighting the most lucrative ROI opportunities for protecting your critical data with QuProtect, all at no cost to you.


Explore & Experience Protection Concurrently

Easily implement QuProtect within hours and experience real-time post-quantum security without changing existing systems with a cost-effective initial test deployment to explore protection like never before.

While discovery and inventory are not required to implement QuProtect we are here to support your inventory journey and facilitate testing simultaneously.


Seamlessly Transition to Managed Cryptography

QuProtect’s cloud-native architecture effortlessly scales horizontally, providing comprehensive protection for all your data in transit.

Break the encryption upgrade cycle and take control of managing your cryptography with cryptographic agility and on-demand cryptographic inventory.


Secure your future. Today.

Get Started