Working together

A Shared Mission
For a Quantum-Resilient Future

AWS and QuSecure are inspired to create an exceptionally secure future. Our shared mission of working together to fix the foundation of data security in the cloud is fueled by our dedication to our customers and putting their security first. We are bonded by common values that include always being curious and innovative, collaborative, and accountable to ourselves, our customers, and our society.

“QuSecure and AWS are dedicated to helping companies achieve their cybersecurity goals.  By leveraging QuProtect’s cryptographic agility, we are excited to tap into the depth and breadth of the broader customer base, services, and pace of innovation that AWS offers.”

– Dave Krauthamer, CEO, QuSecure

Solution Features

QuSecure collaborated with AWS to complete the requirements for the AWS accelerated partner program in June 2023. AWS has positioned us to serve many AWS customers.

QuSecure collaborated with AWS to validate our QuProtect software in May 2023. AWS has positioned us to serve many AWS customers.

QuSecure has collaborated with AWS to meet the requirements of the Public Sector Program.   AWS has positioned us to serve many AWS public sector customers.

QuSecure collaborated with AWS to meet the requirements of the Think Big Small Business partner program. QuSecure now has the tools to serve many AWS customers.

QuSecure is working with AWS to demonstrate QuProtect in the public sector. Recent examples include laboratory testing of QuProtect for PQC at the edge in May 2023.

QuSecure and AWS SME’s are collaborating on educating all industry verticals of the post quantum threat and options to address the threat now. For example, the recent webinar with Dr. John DeRosa Ph.D.

Secure your future. Today.

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