19 Jan 2023 2 min read

QuSecure announces QuEverywhere quantum-safe orchestration solution

The idea here is that QuEverywhere can do much of the heavy lifting regarding protecting assets from quantum threats.

Dan O’Shea  / Inside Quantum Technology News / 19 January 2023

The idea here is that QuEverywhere can do much of the heavy lifting regarding protecting assets from quantum threats. It eliminates the need for businesses and organizations needing to implement post-quantum cryptography solutions on each individual device, server, or endpoint. Organizations need to integrate the QuEverywhere SDK into their applications, and then the solution will take care of the rest.

The benefits of QuEverywhere are that it provides users with a unified platform that can protect sensitive data, no matter where it travels. It offers post-quantum resilient encryption and the ability to upgrade cryptographic protections with no end-user installation required. QuSecure also claims that its solution offers the highest security guarantee available on the market without slowing down websites or applications. QuEverywhere is highly flexible and can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud, so businesses can meet their specific needs. It also provides real-time visibility and analytics to help organizations gain better insights into their security posture

At the end of the day, QuEverywhere promises to make post-quantum cryptography easier and more cost-effective than ever before. It’s a solution that could make it much easier for businesses and organizations to protect their assets from the coming CRQC era. And it may just be the key to making the world quantum-safe.

Read the full article from Inside Quantum Technology here.


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