02 Dec 2021 2 min read

The Coming Quantum Cybersecurity Threat with Special Speaker, Jack Hidary

On Wednesday, February 2, 2022, QuSecure held a hard-hitting online seminar about The Coming Quantum Cybersecurity Threat! We covered existing and emerging cybersecurity threats and practical and currently available post-quantum cybersecurity solutions to thwart quantum and classical attacks on our systems.

Data and communications are fundamental components of every successful enterprise and government agency, and quantum computers are rapidly evolving as a threat. According to the Quantum Alliance Initiative at Hudson Institute, a single quantum attack on the banking system could cause as much as $1.9 Trillion in overall damages. Additionally, another recent Hudson Institute study demonstrates that a quantum attack on cryptocurrency would generate a $3.3 Trillion blow to the United States economy.

Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs) will be used to disrupt critical systems and leverage sensitive patient data. Quantum computers are incredibly efficient at factoring large prime numbers; their computational abilities will break existing public critical infrastructure (PKI), which secures over 90% of all sensitive data and electronic communications. Already, hackers are harvesting encrypted data, which will be decrypted retroactively once CRQCs are available. Sensitive data requires secure protection, and every day that data is left unprotected creates additional risk and liability. Therefore, agencies must act now to protect themselves from the inevitable quantum threat. Post-quantum cryptography systems, provided by companies such as QuSecure, will be pivotal in delivering security from quantum threats.

QuSecure provides a software-driven security architecture that addresses the most vulnerable network security aspects: zero-trust endpoint management to unbreakable keys, ultra-fast transport protocols, and next-generation post-quantum-cryptography. We heal your current infrastructure and provide next-generation protection to protect your entire network from quantum and classical threats for decades to come.

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